
12:13pm 03-09-2024
Thank you for making this site (amongst other places)! Very well-formatted, and I like your style of organizing. Wishing you good vibes and restful sleep.
7:59am 02-09-2024
James Parker
Harlock forever!
8:51am 09-28-2023
Josh B
the vibe of ur webpage is cool
8:42pm 03-12-2023
RIP to the sensei Matsumoto himself! May he rest eternally in the Sea of Stars, on board the 999 with an unlimited pass destination: the confluence of the Rings of Time where he may be reunited with his war hero pilot father, his sister who died young from the postwar hardship which informed his tragic stories, and - of course - his beloved Mii-Kun!

Thanks for the voyage! (Does Harlock salute with Gravity Saber)
7:28pm 03-05-2022
rad website! btw I think your hotline webring arrows might be flipped
7:20am 01-29-2022
awesome fansite!! theres a lot to leijiverse and its a bit confusing for someone out of the loop, so this site is very useful
9:34pm 01-26-2022
I deeply appreciate your dedication in 2022, and look forward to more information on the Leijiverse!
1:42pm 01-25-2022
When you open a new site and the layout alone gives you nostalgia This is such a cool project Linky!

...signing an anime fansite guestbook in 2022 is surreal AF.
1:26am 01-25-2022
I adore everything about this Linky!!! and there is genuinely nothing cooler than being able to sign my first guest book on an anime fansite
8:25pm 01-24-2022
*screeches* I LOVE IT
8:22pm 01-24-2022
linkyyyyyy this is so awesome
8:21pm 01-24-2022
Shiina Markov
This is really amazing Linky and I am really excited to see more from here and Leijiverse in general! <3
8:21pm 01-24-2022
John James
7:45pm 01-24-2022
this slaps so hard

posting in a guestbook in the year 2022... blissful
4:38pm 01-24-2022
SO PROUD OF YOU LINKY!!! You did amazing!!
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